“Licht&Schatten 4” (Light&Shadow 4)
"Licht&Schatten"(Light&Shadow): Nr. 4 was shot between 1980 and 1986
Portfolio (4 prints) Special Price 1600€
Technique: Kodak Ektar 100 24x36 mm color negativ film; high-end
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 76x56 cm, Picture: 66x46 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 575.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
The four color photos in the portfolio "Licht&Schatten"
(Light&Shadow) were taken in the
years 1980 – 86 at various locations. They show
unspectacular things, like a small piece of surface
of the Lake “Schlachtensee” in the South of
Berlin/Germany in an exceptional light. Only slightly longer the cloud
formation that looks like the cutting edge of a
serrated knife could be seen, which I encountered
during a heavy thunderstorm in the small
community of Grünendeich at the river Elbe in
Northern Germany, looking from the river dike
over the rooftops.