“Schattenland” (Shadowland)
PORTFOLIO: "Schatten (Shadows)": Schattenland(Shadowland),
Straßenschatten (Street Shadow), Höhlenschatten (Cave Shadow),
Blätterschatten (Leaves Shadow) "Schattenland(Shadowland" was shot in
May 2001 in Berlin/Schlachtensee (Germany). These four
photographs will are offered as portfolio only
(4 prints, price 1200€ ) Nr. 11-25 also portfolio only, but in a
different size. All four prints are about 22x32 cm each.
Portfolio(small) Price 600€ Technique: Kodak Ektar 100 24x36 mm color negativ film; high-end
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet. Size: Paper: 76x56 cm, Picture: 66x46 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 1200.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling