“Vogel” (Bird)
“Löwe” (Lion)
“Fuchs” (Fox)
“Antilope” (Antelope)
“Tor” (Gate)
“Wächter” (Guard)
“Schlaf” (Sleep)
“Vlies” (Fleece)
“Licht&Schatten 1” (Light&Shadow 1)
“Licht&Schatten 2” (Light&Shadow 2)
“Licht&Schatten 3” (Light&Shadow 3)
“Licht&Schatten 4” (Light&Shadow 4)
“Surface&Color 1”
“Surface&Color 2”
“Surface&Color 3”
“Surface&Color 4”
“Just Wood 1”
“Just Wood 2”
“Just Wood 3”
“Just Wood 4”
“Tracks 1”
“Tracks 2”
“Tracks 3”
“Tracks 4”
“Plants 1”
“Plants 2”
“Plants 3”
“Plants 4”
“Tracks 1”
“Tracks 1”
These four photographs were shot between Nov. 2001 and Jun. 2004 in Berlin/Schlachtensee(Germany). Portfolio (4 prints) Special price 1200€ Technique: Kodak Ektar 100 24x36 mm color negativ film; high-end digitized.  Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet. Size: Paper: 35x50 cm, Picture: 30x45 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 400.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling