"Narg" was created in April 2010 with "Painter"
(Metacreations) and Photoshop(Adobe, based on three
photos of nano structures taken from an electron microscope.
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 70x90 cm, Picture: 60x80 cm Copies: 10, numbered and signed, and 2 artist's copies (I-II) Price: 600.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
The title “Narg” was taken from H.P. Lovecraft. In my making of "NanoArt" I am using on purpose
the images given by Chris Orfescu, for this one actually all three of them simultaneously, because
freedom of creation in this case does not mean just "inspiration". It's my material, having its own
character like wood, which must be preserved to the extent of being recognizable, otherwise the term
NanoArt would make no sense to me. In technical terms its layering and (ab)using filters, in a
"handmade" sense, no "push button" effects, plus digital painting, so it takes time.