“Russisch Brot” (Russian Bread)
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 50x35 cm, Picture: 42x27 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 400.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
“Russisch Brot”(Russian Bread) got this title right away when I
started the image, because this image’s development was based on the
visual idea to work out the thickest lines in the paper sketch in way
that reminded me instantly of this childhood baked good. I advanced
this structure on the complete image area before starting with the
structures of the colored fillings of the remaining spaces. As so
often happens, I got stuck right before the finish, having the
longest break although “only” two spaces waited to be filled. But
these are the final steps that decide everything. Pars pro toto,
either it’s the perfect finish or everything is ruined. That’s why I
often hate my images at that stage and love them all the more, if it
works out, as is the case nearly every time. If not, the recycle bin
is waiting.