"Yaddith" was created in April 2010 with "Painter"
(Metacreations) and Photoshop(Adobe, based on three
photos of nano structures taken from an electron microscope.
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 70x90 cm, Picture: 56x80 cm Copies: 10, numbered and signed, and 2 artist's copies (I-II) Price: 600.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
The title “Yaddith” was taken from H.P. Lovecraft. This image has a most complex and to myself
perplexing production history, because it was the first time, that I have taken already produced images
(made from nano material presented for the 2008 competition, Yaddith 1 - 3 ) all of of which were plain
beautiful and merged them, wrecking part of the beauty like in an explosion, but getting a dynamic and liveliness,
as beautiful, but with a structural complexity which now fulfills every wish I could have for this subject.