“Der Unternehmer” (The Entrepreneur)
"Der Unternehmer"(The Entrepreneur)" was created 50% as a
pen drawing at a Price Waterhouse meeting in 1995 in Potsdam/Germany and
50% in Feb/March 2004 using only "Painter" (Metacreations).
A page from an old edition of Karl Marx "Capital"(Vol 1, 1909).
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 40x30 cm, Picture: 36x26 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 300.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
Merging this funny „entrepreneur-bird” with a page from Marx’s
“Capital” in 2004, represents not only the more or less
self-explanatory choosing of such a background, but also the totally
different economic situation nearly a decade later. Though in 2004 no
one could really tell, when the inevitable “pay day” would be, that
is, that a massive financial crash would occur, for any economist in
his right mind it was clear, that those who thought astronomical
profits could be sustained for ever were the readers of tea leaves.
But the fact that greed eats the brain was already quite obvious in
2004, because it was the most capable people doing the mathematical
modeling in order to make money from hot air. For this reason: Marx
in the background, nothing further. There is no panacea to be found
in his writings, nothing practical at all, but a strong warning
against a rampaging financial sector on the loose can surely be
attributed to the man. But again: It’s only a “good” image, if it is
a good “image”.