"Captain" was created 2/3 on Paper (Ballpoint pen) in
Berlin at a
Meeting and 1/3 using only "Painter"(Metacreations)
Sep/Oct 2003.
Print: Digital Fine Art on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 50x35 cm, Picture: 42x31 cm Copies: 10, numbered and signed, and 2 artist's copies (I-II) Price: 400.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
It is pretty obvious that “heads” play an important role in my
work. Even when I was a kid I used to draw heads in my notebooks at
school all the time, often only contour lines with names given, a bit
like a comic strip. I think my enthusiasm for heads simply stems from
the intense pleasure I gain from thinking things through, e.g. when I
was nine years old and was constructing theories about the possible
fault lines of brick which I was hitting one with a chunk of granite
while sitting in the warm summer sun in front of our henhouse. I
remember this vividly, because it took me two hours until finally my
mother called me for dinner. On the other hand I never had the
slightest urge to depict a person’s head or face, not anything
closely resembling a real human being, I never did really try. Maybe
parts like an eyelid or a pupil to train drawing technique. But
anything more, anything coming close to the real thing took away the
allure. What I “saw” I wanted to take photos of, but, because of my
miserable equipment, the results were poor at that time. This
“Captain” instead would have been right for my taste even then: This
captain’s head is not “surreal”, but a creature in my own fantasy
world, in the “realm of (creative) freedom”.