“Wolkenburger Wäscheleinen” (Cloud Castle’s Clothes Lines)
„Cloud Castle‘s Clothes Lines“ was created 1/3 on Paper (felt tipped
pen) in September 2003 at the Kunstopenair (Wolkenburg) and 2/3
using only "Painter" (Metcreations) September - November 2003.
Also 5 black and white miniature prints 8,5x6,5 cm (VI-X)
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 76x56 cm , Picture: 55x40 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 475.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling

The image Wolkenburger Wäscheleinen
(Cloud Castle’s Clothes Lines)
is one of three digital prints springing
from my participation at the
“Kunst(Art) Open Air” 2003 at the
castle “Wolkenburg” (Cloud Castle)
close to Limbach/Oberfrohna in Germany.
The participating artists were
all using techniques, water-colors for
example, with which they were able
to make images that could be hung
on a clothes line, which was actually
put across the castle’s court on Sunday
afternoon, so a competition
could take place. With the techniques
I use this was not possible,
so it was fitting, that I had to leave
earlier for family reasons. But I experienced
two happy and very productive
days in which three sketched works and one great photo were
created. The next three months I spent turning the sketches into
three very different digital prints. “Cloud Castle’s Clothes Lines” is a
debonair (self-)ironic image reflecting my somehow detached feeling
at this very special place, a kind of enigmatic composition for any
onlooker, myself included.