“Die Kitschpantoffeln” (The Kitschy Slippers)
"Die Kitschpantoffeln" (The Kitschy Slippers) was created Jul. 07
- Sep. 07
with "Painter" (Metacreations). It is ca. 30% based on an old paper
sketch scanned 1997
Print: Digital Fine Art on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 45x55 cm, Picture: 36x42 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 400.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling

How this image came about is pretty unusual (for me it’s unique), but
the way it was finally finished could neither be more convincing nor
more consistent. The basis, a pure pencil sketch, showed only the two
slippers, raw drafted, the two amoeba-like shapes without filling and
the little hearts, all joined together by the “garlands” in the above
middle of the image. I completely worked out this image. The two
persons were not to be seen. They are missing so to speak, although
everything defining them could be felt. But how this could be
visualized, without on the one hand taking the magical away from
these slippers, without breaking their unrestrained kitschy
appearance on the other, an utter necessity to arrive at an
outstanding image. I had no clue. But when I suddenly saw that I
could use two given line segments in order to let two faces grow out
of the plane, a completely new image emerged, which simultaneously,
visually and content wise, was the logical completion of what one
could sense in the beginning. I had never experienced such a twist in
this way with reference to a total composition.