“Jugend” (Youth)
"Jugend" ("Youth") was created 50% on Paper (1981) and
50% using only „Painter“ (Metacreations) June/July 1999.
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 40x30 cm, Picture: 35x24 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 400.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
In 1983 for my sister’s birthday I did a drawing in A5 size with
pencil and color pens that weren’t, as usual for me at that time,
the slightest bit non-fade. So about half of the image was gone,
when I scanned this drawing in 1999 and working for two months
finished the resulting hybrid. Taking the digital way of art production
seriously, looking for the essence of it, which lies in the
added degrees of freedom in combining the visual aesthetics of
any material, “Hybrids” are not steps to “pure” digital works but
represent indeed a higher level, a new visual unity limited of
course by the nature of possible output media, be this a computer
monitor or a digital print. The title “Jugend” (Youth) was given in
1999 to the digital print.