"Creatures" (Triptych) shows the three "Creatures" prints
as a unity. Print: DFA-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 76x112 cm, Picture: 59x102 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 900.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
Description for all three "Creatures" Images:
„Creatures(Center)" was created using only "Painter" (Metacreations),
February - March 2003. Print: IRIS-Print on Somerset Velvet Size:
Paper 56x76 cm Image 32,5x58,5 cm) Copies: 20, numbered and signed, 5
artist's copies (I-V)The figures of „Creatures(Center)“ were created
in Feb. 2003 within a couple of days, utterly quick in comparison to
other big images. It took nevertheless till the end of March to
finish it, because all my efforts to produce a “background” for these
figures failed completely ending up in my computer’s trashcan. After
many days of failed tries I got so frustrated that in a reaction of
anger I flood filled the background white with a dark tint blue and
voila, that was the solution. I suddenly realized that I had to go on
from there, scraping out color in order to create something like a
liquid, a medium in which the figures with all their dynamics could
move and which itself looks like it is moved by them. Doing it though
in a way that it creates a visual unity of the figures and the
“medium” they move in, so that the latter appears as spontaneous and
dynamic as the figures itself took six weeks of meticulous work.
Creatures(Left) and Creatures(Right) were done right after the
figures of “Center“ synchronous with working at the background. But
only the line drawing of the figure shapes, all of the rest took
altogether 9 months, working “positive”, black or any other color on
white or “scraping out” color with a colorless feather, something
working only in the digital world of course. Though there are as
always no conceptual drawings, no premeditation at all and all three
images were drawn separately, the Triptych presents a unity of
composition with vanishing lines running through all three images,
that must have been put together in the back of my head, so to speak.
A result coming to my utter surprise, because the first time I saw
these images in this manner was only after they were finished
separately(!) and I had put them together this way. As a remark I
want to point to a figure in the center piece of which I can explain
the origin rather well. The old German book “Der Struwelpeter” (The
Tousle-head), which really impressed me as a kid, contains a figure
as well, called Hans-guck-in–die-Luft (Johnny Head in the Air) and in
the upper part you will find a figure looking like a combination of