“Nightly Faces”
"Nightly Faces" was created using for 95% of the image only
"Painter" (Fractal Design/Metacreations), on a scanned paper
background (less than 5% left), July-Sep. 2003.
Print: Piezo-Print on Somerset Velvet Size: Paper: 112x76 cm, Picture: 91x66 cm Copies: 25, numbered and signed, and 5 artist's copies (I-V) Price: 675.‒ Euros Artist: Björn Dämpfling
„Nightly Faces“ resulted from the nearly complete „digital“ over
painting of a scanned paper image I had done with chalk on such
an ugly piece of paper, that I did not want to show it. Because it
was a great image I did not throw it away and as I got the chance
of its rebirth by digital means I decided to over paint completely in
order to create a really new version: with identical visual content
but with the exception of minimal parts of the scanned paper background
left untouched, a fully digital version of the image was